Do this instead to Achieve That New Year Resolution: 8 Simple Steps.


Do this instead to Achieve That New Year Resolution: 8 Simple Steps.

New resolutions are set every single year as everyone would say but the question is have you successfully attained one or how well have you stuck to it? Making a New Year’s resolve isn’t enough; you also need to follow through on it and see it through to completion. Setting goals and attempting to improve yourself is something that everyone should witness, and making a New Year resolution is a terrific way to start the year.

However, when it comes to creating a resolve for the new year, unwind, discover your passion, and consider that thing that has been tugging at your heart for a long time. We’ll outline the eight steps to accomplishing your New Year’s resolution in this post.

How to Achieve Your New Year Resolution

Here are steps to follow to achieve your New Year resolution

Step 1: Commit to Your Resolution

The foundation of any successful resolution is a firm resolve to change. You need to have faith in your ability to reach your goals if you want to succeed. Therefore, when you set them, bear in mind the following:

  • Make sure your resolutions are constructive and goals you truly want to accomplish.
  • Share your decision with everyone in your vicinity, and they will assist in holding you responsible.
  • To make your commitment more “real” and memorable for you, create a ceremony to mark the start of it.
  • Avoid waiting until the last minute to decide on a resolution. Give your aims some thought. If you don’t, you run the risk of only responding to your immediate surroundings and failing to see the wider picture

Questions to ask yourself to determine if you can take ownership of your resolution include:

  • Who came up with this resolution, me or someone else?
  • Do I feel inspired and energized by this resolution?
  • Does this resolve fit with my long-term goals and values, among other aspects of my life?

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Step 2: Be Realistic

Motivation is the key to reaching objectives. However, if you set the bar too high, you run the danger of failing. Before making the same resolution you did the previous year, give it great thought. If it didn’t work back then, you should make sure you have a solid reason to think you can succeed this year. What is different now?

  • Give yourself a difficult task that you have a decent chance of completing.
  • Setting more than one or two resolutions is not necessary.

Step 3: Write It Down

Put your resolution in writing. It’s a straightforward but effective way to make your goal a reality, and when we take the time to do so, something inside of us responds with greater drive and commitment. Think about writing it down on pieces of card and putting it somewhere you’ll see it frequently, like in your wallet, on your desk, or on the refrigerator.

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Step 4: Make a Plan

Creating a strategy that outlines your goals is a terrific idea. Without a plan, aiming for success is the same as not thinking well of yourself. Instead, use this when creating a plan:

  • Imagine where you want to be first.
  • After that, follow your course back to your current location.
  • Jot down every milestone you’ll need to meet along the way.
  • Choose your course of action for achieving each of these goals. You must be aware of every stage and have a strategy for the next one.

Step 5: Be Flexible

Not everything will work out precisely the way that you planned. The first tiny hurdle can send you off course, particularly if you’re overly strict in your approach. Thus, maintain your adaptability and flexibility.

Make an effort to anticipate some of the difficulties you may encounter. Prepare yourself psychologically for the others and create a backup plan for the ones that are most likely to fail. Recognize that your resolution may evolve over time. That’s reality, not failure. Make any necessary adjustments to the goal to ensure that you keep working toward it.

Step 6: Use Reminders

Having a lot of other commitments, duties, and obligations can make it difficult to stay focused on your plan. To stay on top of your resolution, create a formal reminder system by keeping your written resolutions visible, leaving reminders at work, home, in your car, on your calendar, in your briefcase, and so on. Make sure the planned actions are on your To-Do List. Set up reminders in your desktop calendar about what you need to do to reach your goals.

Step 7: Track Progress

It’s important to know when each milestone is reached because your joy at small victories will keep you going. Keep a journal and write down your progress on a regular basis. Write down times when you felt especially proud of your work, times when you felt depressed or like giving up. Review your entries from time to time and draw lessons from them. Talk about your progress with loved ones, friends, or coworkers.

Step 8: Reward Yourself

A small treat or reward can sometimes be the best way to motivate even the most dedicated person! When creating your plan, list some milestones that you will reward yourself for when they are reached, but space them out so that the rewards are unique and difficult to obtain.


The first step is to focus on something that you truly want and are prepared to give your full commitment to; if it’s a pain, you may decide never to make a resolution again; if it’s a pleasure, you may decide to make it a pleasure. By doing this, you’ll be in a great position to stay motivated and succeed! This is just one example of goal setting, which is one of the most basic and effective personal development strategies available.

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